Question Link:
The problem is asking for flattening a binary tree to a linked list by the pre-order, We can flatten tree from the root recursively: For each node, we link it with its next child in the pre-order, and leave the other child and flatten it in the same way. We can do this by using a stack, the python code is as follows.
Python code accepted by LeetCode OJ
class Solution:
# @param root, a tree node
# @return nothing, do it in place
def flatten(self, root):
Traverse the tree in pre-order,
for each node, we link it and its previous node.
# Special case
if not root:
# Previous node
prev = root
# Unlinked node in stack
stack = []
# Check root's children
if root.right:
if root.left:
# Link all nodes in the tree
while stack:
# Get the next pre-order node
next_right = stack.pop()
# Flatten the previous node
prev.right = next_right
prev.left = None
# Go to next pre_order node, and flatten its sub-tree
prev = next_right
# Check its sub-tree
if prev.right:
if prev.left: