Question Link:
DP Solution
We solve this problem by using DP, which only scans the prices list once.
So the algorithm is in O(n)
where n
is the length of prices list.
By given a list P[1..n]
, we represent a transaction as (b,s)
where b
is the day to buy, s
is the day to sell, and 0 <= b <= s <= n-1
Let (B[i], S[i])
be the best transaction for the first i
days, that is, P[S[i]] - P[B[i]]
is maximum.
Suppose we already have the best transaction (B[i], S[i])
for the first i
Then, for the first i+1
days, there are only two cases that best transaction changes:
1) If P[i+1] > P[S[i]]
then i+1
should be the best day to sell;
2) If P[i+1] - min(P[1..i]) > P[S[i]] - P[B[i]]
, then i+1
and the lowest price day should be the best day to sell and buy.
Otherwise, S[i+1] = S[i]
and B[i+1] = B[i]
However, since we are only asked for the optimal solution for the n days.
We do not need the array B
and S
to store all local optimal solutions.
Therefore, we only need three variables:
, the day with the lowest value- `b’, the optimal day to buy
, the optimal day to sell
Initially, we have l = b = s = 1
Python Implementation
In the following Python implementation, we don’t need to track the days (index), because the question asks for the optimal profit. So the implementation could be more simple.
class Solution(object):
def maxProfit(self, prices):
:type prices: List[int]
:rtype: int
n = len(prices)
# Specail case
if n < 2:
return 0
# Initialization
l = prices[0]
profit = 0
# Scan prices
for i in xrange(1, n):
# If prices[i] is the lowest, it cannot be the optimal sell day, just update the lowest
if prices[i] < l:
l = prices[i]
elif prices[i] - l > profit:
profit = prices[i] - l
return profit